Benefits of Govt School

schools .pngGovernment schools are offering education to all children without charge, funded and controlled by the local, state or national government.

Government schools also have a Large number of students than private students; the number of students in a class always high due to lack of facilities.

The government schools always hire highly qualified teachers and proficient in their subject to work in a government school.

Click here to get cbse board affiliated school list

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”– Nelson Mandela.

Government schools in India have always been neglected or underestimated. Here are some very important changes, which have been adopted by the top-ranked government schools. here is a list of schools affiliated to cbse board

  1. Importance of education:

Most parts of India are occupied by the poor, lower middle class and below poverty line people, who cannot afford to send their children to school.

Awareness about the changes, education can bring in a family or in a community, needs to be informed to the parents of the children, in order to encourage them to send schools.

2.Activity-based learning:

There are varieties of students, who come from different backgrounds with different intelligence. Moreover, there will be students with physical disability and mental problems, with who the other students might take time to gel up or to dissolve them with the remaining students, will be an interesting yet difficult part.

  1. Introduction to technology:

Computers, laptops, smartphones are easily available and the government provides them to schools for free for the secondary and higher secondary education.

There are schools, who take the advantage of these technologies in making students aware of the technical knowledge and how to use it in studies.

  1. Role play:

There are different streams, where students can explore while in schools. Thus to make them future ready demo classes can be conducted.

Special classes can be conducted for the academically weak students by making the academically sound student to play the role of a teacher and enhance his teaching skills.Demo classes can be played by students for politics, literature, teaching, gardening, and many more.

Click here to get a list of icse board affiliated schools in delhi

Government Schools

– Every one can afford Government schools fee they provide the minimum required infrastructure to meet the basic needs.

– Private schools do not accommodate the low economic group students. Right to education is for everyone, and government schools provide education to all the children without any partiality.

– Government schools are providing Free Education to the girl child’ are made possible only in the government schools.

– Government schools always provide the basic sports facilities in every school They also provide  physical education to the students.

– Government institutes also provide good salary to their teaching and management faculties.

Advantages of Government Schools. Disadvantages of Government Schools
They provide free education for every student those who cannot effort school fee. Most of the government schools are run by politicians. So the rules and regulations set by politicians.
They give reserved seats for SC/ST back ground. Some of the schools I have seen do not have proper Building.
Fees are less. Teachers aren’t able to focus more attention on individual students.
Provide food, clothes to children. They don’t bother for their education


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