Tips to Excel in Physics class; Physics Class 12 NCERT solutions

Physics sheds light on the various rules and forces that govern the working of the Universe. Day to day applications of life deals with the various branches of Physics. From Mechanics to Astrophysics, a thorough understanding of Physics is important to understand the universe. Being good at Physics does not come naturally to everyone. For some lucky individuals it is a cakewalk while some struggle throughout their academics with Physics. Literally a large amount of hard work is required to a majority of students to excel in the subject. Sometimes, in a Physics lecture the students tends to fall asleep because the teacher does not simply make sense to them. But, the good news is that by spending a little time in understanding the concepts and solving problems will actually make you through with it.


Here are some tips on how the students can do best in Physics class.

  1. Read the topic beforehand: In an ideal situation, you shouldn’t come across new physics concepts for the first time in class. Instead, try, reading impending lessons from your textbook a day before they will betaught in class. When you would be going through the chapters, don’t try to focus on the precise mathematics of the topic, but emphasis on grasping the general concepts. Try to grasp the concepts in a clear manner. This will make your foundation of the topic concrete. And when the teacher discusses the topic in class it would be easier for you to apply the mathematical skills you’ll learn in class.
  2. Pay attention: Students often involve themselves in frivolous activities during lecture. But, in order to understand the concepts clearly, one must pay attention in the class. Take notes of the lecture and ask questions to the teacher whenever anything is not clear. Talk to your teacher after the class if you have lingering questions. Be specific with your questions so that you don’t confuse your teacher. Asking questions shows that you were listening in the class and it will leave a good impression on you.
  3. Review your notes: To polish your Physics knowledge and finish off with the task of studying, take some time out every day to go through your notes. Browsing through your everyday notes will help you retain the knowledge you have gained from every day’s class. If you will take a longer time to review your notes, you might not get hold of what you have written and it will be difficult for you to remember the things. So, be proactive and solidify your knowledge by reviewing notes at home.

At times when you find difficulty in understanding any topic, you can refer to guides and reference books available in the markets. There are a variety of YouTube videos given by lectures of renowned institutions and various online sites that provide solutions of all the questions. Go through Physics Class 12 NCERT solutions provided by the online education sites.


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