Benefits of Outdoor Education


It is important that we seek to build learning opportunities that take children out of the classroom. Most public school children do get to go on a field trip away from school once or twice a year, it often isn’t the norm for students to enjoy nature as a part of their school day.

There is so many benefits outdoor-learning experience it offers a great deal in terms of these benefits. By committing to learning both inside and outside the classroom, schools are able to teach children that learning occurs everywhere, at all times. They understand better what learning means, often assuming it is something that only occurs when a book in open and a pen is in a hand. Click here to get a list of all school boards in india.

Outdoor learning is beneficial for all the students because it makes them healthier and happier, and they perfume better in academically.

Benefits of Outdoor Education:

  • Students who get the experience of outdoor learning they have more attentive and better recollection of the information that was shared.
  • Outdoor environments inspire children to be more physically active.
  • The bright sunlight found in nature is also healthier for vision. Bright sunlight is important for the eyes.
  • In outdoor settings, children are more motivated to work together in groups, which can improve their social skills. They learn to manage conflicts, communicate, and cooperate with their peers in a more effective manner.
  • Outdoor learning provides children with hands-on experiences in nature. Outdoor environments are a perfect place to do this. Instead of viewing different types of plants or wildlife on a computer or TV screen, they can see, smell, hear and touch them in nature.
  • Now days mostly children often have too much exposure to digital screens via televisions, computers, and cell phones. This can result in a “nature deficit disorder” which may lead to obesity and other issues.

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High-quality outdoor learning experiences are proven to:   

  • develop resilience and adaptability in occasionally adverse circumstances
  • develop a love, appreciation and respect for nature and all that is living
  • develop an understanding of how we can look after our environment
  • develop self-awareness, confidence and self-esteem
  • develop collaborative-working and communication skills
  • provide positive health benefits – both physically and mentally
  • develop a lifelong love of the outdoors

Considering all these benefits of outdoor learning may be something all schools should try to focus on this. If you’d like to see more outdoor learning opportunities for your child, consider speaking to the school meeting or talk with other parents about the benefits of outdoor learning.

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