How online quiz is helpful for student


Online tests and quiz play an important role in e-learning and provide correct information online quiz benefits for both the learner and the instructor.

Most students say they spent more time On Internet, and that they were more motivated to come to class prepared when the course includes a quiz. These quizzes also increase students interest. It improves students exam scores. click here to get free online mock test class 12

Here are some Advantages of Online Quiz. The online quiz is becoming a new trend for students. But why is this such a huge trend for students? Why people to use online quizzes instead of written quizzes? This article will help you online quiz is popular nowadays.

Advantages of Online Quiz

1.    Engage your audience

Engage your audience in a unique way if you have good content on website people automatically connect to your brand or learning material. By creating a returning event, you will improve your consumer loyalty.

2.   Large number

Taking online quizzes makes it possible to have a large number of participants. It could be up to a number of 1000 participants (and even more!). In online quiz it doesn’t matter what’s location they have the online quiz is connected to the Internet.

3.   Randomizing questions

Randomizing questions and answers are available on online quiz those questions is not a lot a of work to do with online quizzes. The advantage of online quiz is time saving, it also helps preventing students from cheating.

4.   Gain insight in audience

Another plus of online quizzes is getting immediate results from your participants. In this creator can see what should he change in online quiz or participants are also able to view on what kind of section they have to improve themselves.

5.    No instructor needed

The online quiz saves money and time. In offline mode we always need an instructor to solve the questions. But the online quiz can be given without an instructor.

6.   Set timer

The creator can set a timer for each and every question. It is also possible to do with written quizzes, but it consume allot of instructor time. Plus it’s almost impossible to do with a huge amount of participants.

7.   Better overview

In this the student can see one question at the time in online quizzes. Students are not able to skip a question, because you will get a reminder that you can’t leave the answer blank.

8.   Improve your brand

It improves our brand name in several ways or we gain more brand awareness. You can build your traffic to your online channels, improve time spent on site and improve the sharing on social media about your campaign and brand.

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A large number of students, getting instant results from online quiz (for the creator as well as the participants), a better overview, you’re able to randomize your questions and set a timer. There is no need for an instructor.

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